Monday, 18 January 2016

Shooting Plan One

Main ideas

My idea for this shoot is to focus predominantly on the interview footage, whilst also trying to capture footage of the car itself. I will ask my subject (Jordan) various questions about his obsession and then in post-production, I will carefully select my footage in order to construct the interviews in such a way that it really enhances the idea that he is obsessed with his car. 


I plan to use natural ambient lighting as my main light source but will also use any other available lighting as it will enhance the quality of the exposure a fair amount. I could use light from windows, ceiling lights, lamps etc to light the room that I am filming in.


I plan to record a voice-over to layer ontop of some of my footage in the recording studio. The narration will explain any information that is not obvious to the viewer to begin and also introduce to the audience what the entire documentary is about. Most of the rest of the audio (interviews etc) will be recorded in camera.


In regards to the equipment I plan to use, I intend on using my Canon EOS 700D camera paired with a 18-55mm f/3.6-5.6 lens and a fluid-head tripod which will allow me to utilise different camera movements and angles. This will make for documentary of professional standard, as there will be no camera shake as a result of hand-held camera movement, unless intended, and because it will have a variety of different shot types to make the documentary more visually interesting. 



The location I am going to use will be the garage that the car is stored in and my subjects house. I have chosen these places as my two main locations in which to film because my subject feels most comfortable in them (being as they are where he spends most of his time) and because they are relevant to the subject matter of the documentary. In the two places there is a lot of iconography that connotes the idea that my subject is obsessed with VW beetles and cars in general.  

Risk Assessment

The majority of the footage that I will be recording will be filmed whilst in a fairly enclosed space, being as it is a fairly small garage, so I will have little room to manoeuvre my equipment. I will have to make sure that my subject is aware of any wires, tripods etc to avoid anything falling over and breaking either the equipment, or the car that is being filmed, as well as avoiding any trips that may injure myself or my subject. The garage is also full of car parts, tools, actual whole vehicles etc so I will need to make sure that everything has been put away correctly and nothing is left lying on the floor. 

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